Career Assam 2023 : Latest Government job In Assam

Career Assam 2023 Assamese people use the term “Career Assam” when they are seeking a government job online. All citizens of Assam today want to secure their career by working for a government job. Because the increase in the population of Assam has increased the value of government employment. It is better to search for a job online using the terms “Career Assam 2023”. We are here to prepare a list of all government job postings published in Assam. On this page you can apply by reading all the details. All are listed in newly published order below.

Details of Career Assam Recruitment 2023

Name of OrganizationGovernment of Assam
Name of DepartmentVarious Government Department of Assam
Name of Recruitment Different Type of Recruitment
Name of PostGrade III And Grade IV
Number of Vacancies 30,000 Posts
Application ModeOnline
Jobs TypeAssam Government Jobs 2023
Jobs LocationAssam

Career Assam 2023 Job List

Assam Carrer 2023 Job Result

All Government Department In Assam

Name of DepartmentOfficial Website
Administrative Reforms and TrainingClick Here
AgricultureClick Here
Animal Husbandry and VeterinaryClick Here
Assam AccordClick Here
Border AreasClick Here
Co-operationClick Here
Cultural AffairsClick Here
Elementary EducationClick Here
Environment and ForestClick Here
Excise DepartmentClick Here
Finance DepartmentClick Here
FisheriesClick Here
Food, Civil SuppliesClick Here
General AdministrationClick Here
Guwahati DevelopementClick Here
Handloom,Textile and SericultureClick Here
Health and Family WelfareClick Here
Higher EducationClick Here
Hill AreasClick Here
Home and PoliticalClick Here
HorticultureClick Here
Industries and CommerceClick Here
Information TechnologyClick Here
Information and Public RelationsClick Here
IrrigationClick Here
Judicial DepartmentClick Here
Labour & WelfareClick Here
Legislative DepartmentClick Here
Panchayat and RuralClick Here
Development DepartmentClick Here
Mines and MineralsClick Here
Minority WelfareClick Here
Parliamentary AffairsClick Here
Judicial DepartmentClick Here
Pension and Public GrievancesClick Here
Personnel DepartmentClick Here
Power (Electricity)Click Here
Printing and StationaryClick Here
Public EnterprisesClick Here
Public Health EngineeringClick Here
Public Works (Roads)Click Here
Public Works Buildings & NHClick Here
Revenue & Disaster ManagementClick Here
Science and TechnologyClick Here
Secretariat AdministrationClick Here
Skill, Employment & EntrepreneurshipClick Here
Social Welfare DepartmentClick Here
Soil ConservationClick Here
Sports and Youth WelfareClick Here
Tea Tribes WelfareClick Here
Tourism DepartmentClick Here
Transformation and DevelopmentClick Here
Transport DepartmentClick Here
Urban DevelopmentClick Here
Welfare of Plain Tribes and Backward ClassesClick Here
Water ResourcesClick Here

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